Archive for April 8th, 2010


Almost Late For the Rally

April 8, 2010

When I was in High School, I used to hang out with three other girls. We liked to think we were cool. Maybe we were. But everyday thinks they’re cool in high school, you know. We were always part of the popular crowd because we were in the Science Class, meaning, we were ahead of the others. Anyway, I wrote this poem back then, to describe the four of us. I was reading it earlier today, and I realized I just had to post this here. I hope you guys enjoy.

Angels of Heaven

Four girls so sweet and gentle.
It makes many people wonder.
Why should they be so beautiful?
It leaves others very envious.

The first one is strong and tall,
But she cares for one and all.
She is also very intelligent,
Always a part of every merriment.

The other one is timid and shy.
Her friends can’t understand why.
She is kind and patient too.
For a friend, everything, she’d do.

Another is loud and bubbly
But sometimes could be very funny.
She lives life nonchalantly
And braves trials triumphantly.

The last one is like a child.
Her heart is soft and mild,
But when she’s mad, she’s horrible.
Although she is always lovable.

Four girls so nice and cute;
They’re like angels so pure.
Everybody thinks they’re great;
They are just so hard to hate.


Basketcase by Culture Serial Killers (taken from Youtube)

April 8, 2010