Posts Tagged ‘Religion’


Hypocrisy and Personal Freedom

September 28, 2012

I watched Easy A on cable TV earlier tonight. I like that movie. I like the actress. I like the way it shows how difficult high school can be. I never had a hard time in high school, but that’s beside the point because that is not the reason why I am writing this blog now.

What I actually want to talk about is the fact that the movie depicts those who are supposed to be the “religious” crowd are also the quickest ones to judge. And I have to admit… That is sooooo true in real life. You know those people who go to church every freaking Sunday and tell the world how much they read and follow the Bible and heed the word of God? Well, they also almost always happen to be the most unforgiving.

I am not saying these people aren’t any good, and I certainly have nothing against them. I just wish, however, that these people got off their high horses. I hate to say I am judgmental sometimes, but at least I don’t pretend to be holier than anybody.

As much as we tell everybody that we now live is a new world, one that’s more liberated and open-minded, the truth is actually far from that. We are still on the dark ages when it comes to understanding each other and having compassion for others. We are still.controlled by the thought of “what other people might say” instead of what we have to say for ourselves. Unless we start remembering that we are only accountable to our personal God (and I say this because I respect other religion), we will never truly be free to become what we are meant to be.

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On Procreation

September 24, 2012

When GOD said “Go forth, and multiply,” there were only two people, Adam and Eve, and they had everything in the world they could ask for.

That is not the world we live in today. Now, our world is full of different kinds of people. While there is goodness in every man, there is also evil that lurks in every corner. There is poverty, sickness, and suffering. We don’t have the garden of Eden anymore, so yes, while we still obey the very first command to multiply, that does not mean we can multiply anytime we want to.

A parent’s responsibility does not end in child bearing. The biggest responsibility is in raising a child and making sure that that child grow up well and becomes a good man/woman who makes significant contribution for the good of the community, however small that community may be. That is why I support the RH Bill.

I don’t have children. Yet. However, that does not mean I never thought of having one or that I never wanted one. I did, and I still do. The only thing that stops me is the fact that I know I am not ready. I am not ready to take care of a child emotionally, psychologically and financially. While I can afford to be pregnant and have the baby at the best hospital in the city, it is the “after” that I cannot afford yet. The sleepless nights, the expenses for baby care, the dramatic change in lifestyle… and it does not end there. When the infant becomes a toddler, I cannot afford the education, the maturity to guide my child into making the right decisions, the stability… Having a child costs so much, and I don’t want to have a child just because I feel like it. When I start my own family, I want to be able to give my child the best out of everything, which is what a every parent should have the capacity to do.

Why would anyone not want to support a bill that will help the women and Philippine households become more aware of their choices and provide them with easy access to their reproductive health assistance? Is it because the Catholic church says it is against their religion? But it is not the only religion in the country. Is it because it promotes abortion? Well, abortion is still illegal and will remain illegal. Is it because it opens the risk of teenagers having premarital sex? Come on, this has been going on long before the bill was even thought of. Plus, if teenagers engage in premarital sex, it is the responsibility of the parent to make sure their children know what’s right and wrong and that these children make decisions that are for their own good. Is it because they keep saying it is just a front for other countries to gain control of the Philippines? Since when have we, as a country, become truly independent? Do we say we are independent because we have our own president and our privilege to organize “people power” rallies? Are we really that ignorant?

Contrary to what you may think, I strongly believe in God and life. I am “for” life. But what good is “life” when you end up in slums and become the problem of society? What good is life when all a child ends up being is a drug addict or a criminal or even just a poor little boy/girl who never becomes nourished with everything essential (and no, I’m not talking bout just food)? And for the parents, particularly for the woman, what good is bringing children into the world if it is at the expense of you being able to properly rear them?

Is it really just BRINGING A LIFE into this world that’s important? Aren’t we supposed to also think about what we can give to that life we bring? Aren’t we supposed to strive for something more, something deeper, something that’s not just meant to be enjoyed by you, but by your community as well?


Sunday’s Best

February 7, 2010

Sundays are always lazy days for me. It’s the best time to stay at home, watch TV, and just relax. I have a full week ahead of me, blogging and otherwise. I’m a little excited over something, but I’m not going to reveal what it is yet. I don’t want to jinx it. Hopefully, I come out on top. After all, I am not Ishabelle Manalo for nothing. 🙂

I wish all of you out for a blessed and fun-filled Sunday. This is another day to thank GOD for all the blessings that He showers us. I, for one, am very thankful for everything that I have right now. Even if I don’t have much, I am still thankful because I still keep getting blessings from Him.

Tomorrow, I shall be at work again. From the weekend high that I always get, I am going to be grounded and live in the real world again. Of course, I’ll still update my blog everyday. Finally, I have 1000 hits now. Thank you so much, my dear readers, for all the support that you have shown. You are the reason why this blog exists. Hit me up if you have suggestions. If you think there are some things I should be writing about, please tell me so. Once again, take care folks, and have a great day ahead. 🙂


Praying for Haiti

January 17, 2010

2009 has been full of natural disasters. Before the year ended, I was kind of hoping that things would be better this year. However, I think we may all be in for a more bumpy ride this year.

It’s only the first month of the year, and already, we are rocked by a devastating earthquake. Our brothers and sisters in Haiti are now going through so much tragedy. If only I had the riches of Gates and Trump, I’d give as much as I can to help them. If only I had the means and the opportunity, I’d gladly fly to Haiti and help in any way I can. I really wish that I could give back even half of what I have been given. But what can I do? I am just one small person a thousand miles away.

I can only console myself with the knowledge that I can still help. I can pray for them. I can pray that, one day,  all the hurts that they are feeling right now will heal. I also pray that they will never lose their Faith in God.


Expired Marriage?

January 12, 2010

As liberated as I am, I still remain conservative and idealistic about some issues in society. I am not embarrassed to say that. One thing that I have conservative views on is marriage.

For me, marriage should be a priviledge. It should be a priviledge for people who have prepared themselves for a married life. In a perfect society, all marriages would always work out and couples would stay together and grow old together. But we are not in a perfect society, and our status now is the closest that we can get to being perfect.

Recently, a women’s party-list group proposed for a 10-year expiration on marriages. I am not going to mention the name of the group because this is, after all, a personal blog. Yes, I get their intentions, and I know that they mean well. I just don’t support it.

Personally, I think it defeats the purpose of marriage. When people get married, they vow to God and their families that they will stay together for the rest of their lives. What’s the purpose of those vows if you can just get away from it all after 10 years? What’s the point of trying to make a marriage work if, at the back of your minds, you know that you don’t have to be stuck with it for life?

Yes, there may be so many marriages these days that do not work out and end up in separation. But there are also people who really wait for the right time, who really prepare themselves for a lifetime of commitment, and who really stay together and remain happy. My problem  with the proposal is that it generalizes marriages as one big problematic scene that needs an expiration date to end the misery.

I have nothing about the party-list who initiated this proposal. I totally empathize and understand wherever it is that they’re coming from. But I will never support this cause. I apologize if I offend anyone, but this is just what I believe in. A marriage is not just a legal obligation. It is also a commitment that you make in front of God, and while earthly laws may treat marriage differently, its sanctity never changes with Him.