Archive for May 23rd, 2010



May 23, 2010

I have nothing against the Jejemons. I just don’t approve of the publicity and the attention that the fad is getting these days. It’s not even something that helps the society. it does not even do anything for the society at all. So why bother? I am not calling myself a Jejebuster because frankly, I have more important things to do that chase after a useless fad. It’s just that communication should be clear, correct in grammar and easily understandable by people you talk to. Communicating the Jejemon way is absolutely not going to help anybody conquer the world. I find it as a waste of time.

I don’t know about any other Filipino out there. I never used text lingo before, why should I use Jejemon texting now? I would rather be straight to the point and simple. At least, it got me where I am now. I am sure that non-Filipino readers of my blog will not understand what I am ranting about. Thank goodness they can’t. It’s really not something I am proud of. People have been making fun of Filipino English for so long. This just gives them yet another reason to think that we are all trivial people who just happens to have one very good boxer and one very corrupt government.
