

March 30, 2010

I have always wanted to try multi-blogging. The idea of maintaining more than one blog is exciting. It also poses a challenge. Can I actually do it if I multi-blog? Right now, I have two blogs; one of them is not yet live. Can I actually get away if I create a third blog? Honestly, I think I can. It’s just that I don’t know anything else to blog about. My second blog was an easy idea because I already have a lot of poems to post on it. But a third blog? Well, what else can I possibly blog about?

I guess then that I just have to keep two blogs for now. It is already multi-blogging because I have more than one blog. But this is a lot easier. The blog awards that I received are poking me in the ribs, wanting to be posted up. Unfortunately, I do not have much time to blog today. I am currently trying to oversee the training of three smart ladies who will start taking calls on Friday. I have to give them a lot of time. Until next time. πŸ™‚


  1. personally , I don’t cherish the idea of multiblogging.I prefer to focus on one and to devote effort and time to it.Good luck to you in your new blog.
    I’ve got an award for you, get it in my blog

    • thanks wordwand… πŸ™‚ my new blog is not going live yet… πŸ™‚ im still in the process of creating posts for it, so when it goes live, i already have many posts…

  2. The Butterfly Award for YOU

    outstanding blogger award,

    if you comment for Jamie, Brian, and Viola,
    take the butterfly award as well!

    Happy Tuesday!

    • yehey! thanks jingle for another badge on my blog…

  3. hi Ishbelle, piece of cake for someone as intelligent as u, I run 4, no probs lol love it, good luck xx

    • i don’t know if i can actually do it, william… but im flatter that you would think im smart enough to get away with it…. πŸ™‚

  4. Whoa. That sounds like a huge undertaking, Ishabelle. πŸ™‚ But if you think you’re up to it, then go ahead. Just let me know so I can check your other blogs, too! Hahaha. πŸ™‚

    • thanks, slaveboi… don’t know if i’d continue creating a third blog… but the second one is well on its way… πŸ™‚

  5. yeah, I’m also not a big fan of having mutliple blogs. it defeats the purpose of centralizing all your thoughts in one place.

    just dropping by. from slaveboi’s site.

    • hey, ape…. glad you could drop by… multi-blogging is actually difficult… πŸ™‚ i created my second blog just to put all my poems there… *wink* you’re welcome to come back here anytime… πŸ™‚

      • I sure will. I like the way you write.

        added you to my blogroll! πŸ™‚

  6. it’s an honor to be in your blogroll… i’ll also add you to mine… like what i’ve told slaveboi, it’s always fun meeting other Filipino bloggers here in WP… πŸ™‚

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